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PMS-Risk Yönetim Planı



Being aware of the fact that the most important value of making a difference is human resources, “Recruitment” is the primary target of Human Resources. Our biggest goal is to place the right people in the right job. The criteria sought will vary according to the positions, and our expectation for each position is the candidates who meet the basic competencies in line with the values ​​of BÖLÜKBAÅžI PHARMACEUTICALS. In this framework, interviews such as personality inventory and general ability are carried out according to the requirements of the position. For the candidate who is successful in the competency-based interviews conducted by the Human Resources Department and the managers of the relevant department, the process continues as a job offer and recruitment processes.

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Training is an investment for Bölükbaşı Pharmaceuticals, as the most important resource behind the company's success and realization of its goals is its employees. Apart from trainings that can be measured and observed on the job and that meet business needs, it is aimed not only to improve the performance in the existing position, but also to prepare the person for possible positions in the career path with personal development trainings.

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It is a continuous process where we can develop our employees to achieve our long-term strategies and goals. For this reason, priority is given to internal resources in promotions. While selecting the most suitable internal candidate for the position, we ensure that candidates who meet the criteria are appointed in a fair and consistent manner.

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Consult a physician or pharmacist for more information.

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